Knowledge Management @ Xerox Corp
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Case Details:
Case Code : ITSY031
Case Length : 11 Pages
Period : 2003
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Xerox Corp.
Industry : IT & Computers
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Contd...
Xerox was the pioneer and leader in the field of photocopying
and document processing.
So successful was the company that 'Xerox' became a generic brand and the
process of photocopying came to be popularly known as 'xeroxing'.
This also earned the company the rare distinction of gaining official entry into
the dictionary as the synonym of photocopying.
Xerox was a global company which specialized in printers, presses and copiers,
along with associated supplies, software and support.
It was a research-oriented company, spending
close to a billion dollars on R&D ($917 million in 2002), of
which about $70 million went towards maintaining the Palo Alto
Research Center (PARC), set up by the company in 1970.
Xerox operated worldwide through two
major joint ventures - Fuji Xerox, a joint venture
between Xerox and Fujifilm, a Japanese photographic
firm, through which it operated in the Asia Pacific
region, and Rank Xerox, through which it operated in
At the start of the 21st century, Xerox was trying to
position itself as a 'knowledge company'. The company
had developed and implemented a number of initiatives
which helped it to tap the vast knowledge bases in the
organization, and to use this knowledge to improve
processes and practices within the communities in the
organization... |
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